Data Protection Policy
ORANGE Group, the individual entrepreneur, guarantees that your personal information (name, address, phone number, e-mail) is confidential and is not subject to disclosure.
In case of disagreement with the Agreement, the User shall stop further registration in the online shop.

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1 This Agreement regulates collection and use of personal data of Users of the Internet site:, in the cases of their registration in the shopping cart online and/or purchase of cosmetic products (body and hair care), perfume products, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Goods”)

1.2 By providing its personal data the User thus confirms acceptance of terms and conditions of the agreement on storage and non-disclosure of personal data.

1.3 The date of consent for processing personal data of the User shall be the date of registration on the Website and/or purchase of Goods. The consent specified in this clause is valid indefinitely and may be withdrawn by the User by sending a written notice to the Operator by registered mail or to the following e-mail address - The consent of the User to processing of its personal data shall be deemed withdrawn in 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the said notice by the Operator.

1.4 Confidentiality of personal data is maintained from the moment it was submitted by its owner.

1.5 Personal data of the User may not be used for any purposes other than those specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement. Use of personal data for causing any property and/or moral damage, restriction of realisation of rights and freedoms guaranteed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan is avoided.

2. Concept and scope of personal data

2.1 Personal data of the User refer to information about a physical/legal person required for registration and/or for purchasing the Goods via the Website.

2.2 Scope of personal data:

2.3 For physical persons: first name, surname, registration address, contacts (mobile phone number, email address):

3. Obligations of the Operator and the User

3.1. The Operator shall:
3.3.1. collect personal data in the amount necessary for provision of services on the Website only;
3.3.2. not transfer personal data to any third parties without consent of the User, except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3.3.3. protect personal data against any unauthorised use or loss in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3.2. The User shall:
3.2.1. provide the Operator with its reliable personal data;
3.2.2. not use or transfer personal data of any third parties without their consent; the User shall have necessary authorisations when providing personal data of other several users;
3.2.3. notify about any changes in personal data in cases when it may somehow affect the provision of services by the Operator;
3.2.4. not use unsafe, easy-to-crack passwords to access its account on the Website;
3.2.5. not to share its access password to its account with any third parties.

4. Protection of personal data

4.1 To protect personal data of the User, the Operator shall:
4.1.1. determine specially authorised employees and personal data access procedure;
4.1.2. not allow the transfer of personal data to any third parties without consent of the User.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The Operator shall not be responsible for unauthorised dissemination of personal data, in the following cases:
5.1.1. The dissemination was the result of the User’s negligence and the use of easy-to-crack password to the account or the User made the password available to third parties;
5.1.2. The Operator has taken all measures to ensure protection of personal data but there was unauthorised access to personal data by third parties (hacking, attack).

5.2. For any other cases, the Parties shall be responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. Other terms and conditions

6.1 This Agreement shall come into force from the time specified in clause 1.3 of this Agreement and shall remain in force until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.

6.2 If any provision of this Agreement becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be fully effective.
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